EP 08: Mental Health vs Mental Fitness and Everything In-Between:  with Jimi Hunt

Nothings off limits in this no BS, gritty, deep & fun episode with Jimi Hunt, Author and Speaker. We talk about Mental Fitness and the need to re-brand the term Mental Health. Jimi introduces us to his Mental Fitness Continuum and shares so much with us about how we can move ourselves up the continuum to contentment. 

There’s so much goodness in this convo; Men & Mental Fitness, Depression & #METOO Bro, contentment over happiness, soothing vs solving, ego & expectations, repetition vs perfection, the power of the 1% incremental change, taking radical ownership of your healing journey, changing culture through story, commuting from Mexico to NZ for work, brutal self-honesty, even Yoga pants, retreats & instagram shots.


With 3 documentaries, 3 books, his speaking tours, a 445 km (271 mile) river adventure on a $7 Lilo, his own mental fitness journey & as builder of the world’s biggest water slide Jimi has so much wisdom under his belt that he generously shares with heart in this conversation. There’s something in it for everyone. Enjoy!


You can check him and his new book; Inside Out – A Guide to being a Better Human, here:




EP 09: Boys don’t Cry! Busting that Ole Myth & More with guest Jordan Mauger


Episode 07: Rolling with Gratitude in ALL of Life’s Moments