S2: EP7 Authenticity, *BS Radars & the Masks we Wear

We're getting real about keeping it real in this episode.  Wouldn't life be easy if we could all just show up as our true selves and trust that others, on face value, were doing the same?!  No *BS, radars required.  Bringing ALL us to ALL situations.

Ahhh... Nirvana.  But alas not the case,  that would be way too easy, which is what we explore in this convo.  Because authenticity calls for us to be vulnerable enough to show up as our whole selves on the daily.  

When we do that we're letting people see beyond the veil of the masks we've been  curating for ourselves since childhood.  And that takes some work.  Oh and that freakin pesky thing again, called courage. 

In this convo we jumped of the diving board and into the deep end around: 

  • Holding back parts of yourself from others

  • Different levels of authenticy, is there such a thing?

  • Dropping the masks & trusting others to do the same

  • What happens when they don't

  • Showing up in a way that feels comfortable to you

  • Showing up as different "yous" in different situations

  • Evolving your *BS radar when it comes to authenticity

  • Re-realising the things that make you feel aligned & alive

  • How to bring ALL of you to ALL situations

  • Dropping the masks we wear

And loads more... Plus we leave you with a few questions to mull over. 

We hope you enjoy the convo, and thanks for keeping it a two way one. We've loved hearing from you, so keep it coming.

On... Insta & f book @unicornsandhandgrenades.life or by visiting us at www.unicornsandhandgrenades.com.   


S2: EP8 Time to Stop this Tall Poppy Cr*p & Shine with Megan Alatini


S2: EP6 Finding your Truth through Adversity with guest Mary Haddock Staniland