S2: EP4 Relationships, Burn-out, Growth, & Imposter Syndrome with Bree Le Roux

Relationships, Burn-Out, Growth & Imposter Syndrome with Bree Le Roux

In this ride of a convo we're joined by an honorary third unicorn,  Bree Le Roux.  Bree is host of her own show, "The Human Experience",  she's a speaker, workshop facilitator, holds a bachelor of counselling and is a global coach & business mentor.  She's also just launched her new course "How to have the Relationship you Deeply Desire"

Life can be a bitch at times... she can also be a saint, a sinner and one hell of a rollicking ride.  But one thing's for sure - life, relationships and growth all require work.   Cue the collective groan... We hear ya, doing the inner work is hard,. But the pay-offs are well worth it.   Because work, play & living from a place of aliveness all go hand in hand. 

Bree shines her vulnerability like a light in this episode, sharing with us here personal journey.  She also shared her deep, professional expertise around so many areas including relationships.  We yarned about:

Relationships (& 6 key areas of focus)
Burn-out & stress
You're powerful beyond measure
Inner work
Imposter syndrome
Drink, drugs & advertising
Balancing masculine & feminine energies
Inner child work (what that actually means & how to do it)
How our body is always speaking to us
Hitting the notes & being where you're supposed to be

Plus loads more.  We hope you enjoy this conov as much as we did.

You can find out more about Bree & the work she does by visiting www.breeleroux.com or her youtube channel, insta & f book @breeleroux


S2: EP5 Cracking the Code on the Uncrackable - Relationships, with Rachel Hamilton & Courtney McGuiggan


S2: EP 3 Gut Punches, Flow, Failure & Success = LIFE with Nathan Seaward