S2: EP27 Navigating Life’s Difficult Moments & Following Your Dreams: with Stephen Brunton

This week’s guest, Stephen Brunton, deep dives into a powerful and vulnerable conversation with us that we know will shine a little light & share a little hope for those who listen in. We start off exploring what it’s like to leave your “job/job” to follow your passion and fall into alignment. 

As an actor and a voice over artist this is something Stephen’s recently done.  We explore all the different triggers and opportunities that come hand in hand with braving the unknown when you make that call. 

He also generously shares his, and his partner Brigitte’s, real & raw journey through their experience of miscarriage. 

In NZ miscarriage affects approximately 1 in every 4 women and their partners. Yet it’s not something we openly talk about often.  And it’s something that can leave many who experience it feeling alone.  A heartfelt thanks goes out to Stephen & Brigitte for sharing their experience and engaging in a conversation many shy away from. If this triggers anything for you please head to www.findahelpline.com for emotional support or www.miscarriagesuppot.org.nz 

There is so  much rich wisdom in this conversation around… 

  • Navigating through the difficult journey of miscarriage

  • The volatile world of acting

  • Minimizing the amount of “soul killing” work we do

  • Divorcing yourself from the concept that doing the thing you love has to be the thing that earns you money

  • Walking the tight rope of uncertainty

  • Separating from our pre-determined ideas of success

  • The “happiness equation” & how we define it

  • Happiness & balance

  • Vanity metrics vs soul metrics

  • Building a solid foundation through holistic discipline

  • Getting back to basics & taking care of our well being

  • Pink Bats & the Pink Bat Man

 And much more!
Big Love Jax & Kim


S2: EP28 Living Large & Thriving with Philly Powell from The Wellbeing Junkie


S2: EP26 Cracked Open - A Battle with Perfectionism with Amy Kovacevic