S2: EP 21 Euphoria; the Space Between Action & Cut with Actress Kim Crossman

*trigger alert; depression & suicidal thoughts discussed.  Support numbers listed below. What happens when you love what you do, but it causes you heart break?  The space between "Action & Cut" is the sweet spot in life for Actress Kim Crossman. It's the only place where she feels the Euphoria of being hyper-focused and fully present in the moment.  Not worried about the past or the future.  

Kim is an Actress, Author, Presenter, Pretty Depressed Podcast Host, and an Ambassador for  SPCA & World Vision.

This is such a powerful, real & raw conversation, where Kim  opens up her heart and shares with us her journey through depression,  recently experienced suicidal thoughts, the taboo around discussing them with others, her insights, learnings & wisdom.  She also shares her wicked sense of humor. 

We're so grateful to Kim for having the courage and vulnerability to share her story.   She does so because she knows the power of sharing stories when it comes to changing a culture and helping others.  And these are important conversations to have!

  • Perfectionism & shame - always wanting to be better, do better

  • Self worth & our own narratives

  • When you're an actor and are really good at hiding your sadness

  • High Functioning Depression (not often talked about)

  • How can you support someone who opens up to you about being depressed

  • Holding space for people

  • Falling in love with people's potential

  • People Pleasing

  • Reciprocity

  • Therapy & unpacking the boxes in the basement of your brain

  • Dealing with things before they end up dealing to you

  • Time & energy as a limited resource

  • When people disappoint us

  • Catastrophizing

  • Shine the light on the darkness and the darkness dissipates

Thanks as always for your continued support and please stay connected, feedback & suggestions always welcome, you can slide into our DM's on Insta and FB @unicornsandhandgrenades.life or via www.unicornsandhandgrenades.com

If you need emotional support please head to www.findahelpline.com, where you can find the helpline number for whatever country you live in.  They are also on Insta @findahelpline.  If NZ text 1735 


S2: EP22 The Pursuit of Happiness


S2: EP20 Lessons Learned in the School of Hard Knocks