EP 10: Cultivating Courage & the Cowardly Lion
Join us in a convo centered around cultivating courage. And we’re not talking Marvel Super-Hero, smashing bad guys, kind of courage here. We’re talking the kind that quietly & resolutely seeps up from the corners of your soul & the marrow of your bones. The kind you don’t think you have, until you have to.
The kind that takes vulnerability, grace and guts. The kind that has you showing up each day ready to give this one wild and precious life another damn good go-around.
News flash - it’s not reserved for life’s hand grenade moments either! You need a good dose of courage to chase life’s Unicorns as well. Because the stuff worth chasing, the truly beautiful stuff, doesn’t come from playing it safe. You have to be prepared to risk … rejection, failure & discomfort. But the good news is, just like the Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz, you’ve got it in you! Courage is a choice & faced with the choice of courage over comfort we’d take courage for the win every time. What’s been pushing against your edges that needs a double shot of courage to make happen?.…